Schooling Opportunities


All schooling fees are per horse and rider combination. If one horse is ridden by two different riders, it is $65 for each ride. If two horses are ridden by one rider, it is $65 for each ride.

**Fees subject to change without prior notice**

Cross Country Schooling

Requirements to ride XC:

  • A helmet of any color that meets or surpasses ASTM/SEI standards for equestrian use
  • Safety Vest (recommended to pass or surpass current ASTM standard)
  • Front XC schooling course $65

    Open year-round by appointment. Includes gallop track.

  • XDerby Course $65

    Open Nov. 15 - March 7. Includes front XC schooling course & gallop track

  • Competition Course $85

    When open. Includes gallop track.

  • Gallop Track $30

**River Trail/Hacking included in all fees

Other Schooling

  • Stadium Jump Schooling $50
  • Dressage Schooling $45

    Small and standard arenas.

  • Gallop Track $30
  • Companion Horse/In-Hand Horse $30
  • Indoor Arena Schooling $50
  • River Trail/Hacking $30

How to School With Us

Step 1: Make an Appointment

Text 301-514-0111 to make an appointment. Unannounced arrivals are prohibited. Include list of riders and how you plan to pay.

Step 2: Pay Schooling Fees

Pay online or send Venmo (preferred) to @lochmoy. If asked for last 4 digits of phone number, enter 0111.

Step 3: Sign Waiver & Upload Coggins

If you have not submitted your required documents in the current year, use the online forms to complete them before your arrival.

Step 4: Alert Us Before Arrival

Text 301-514-0111 when you are on your way. Every visitor to the facility is tracked.