
Mid-week blues? Join us for these quick, fun, and casual events featuring divisions Modified – Introductory. Perfect for young horses, or those wanting to move up a level, or just starting to event. 

We schedule backwards from dusk and start as early as entries warrant. We will run multiple dressage rings and offer Full Horse Trials, Combined Tests (Dressage and Show Jumping only) and Dressage only. (No fix-a-tests)

  • The cross country course is made up 12 to 16 jumps with a length up to 1700m.

  • Riders may choose which level to jump at each marked obstacle (Intro – Modified).

  • As long as you jump clean on the first attempt, you will accrue no XC faults. 

  • You may circle around and jump the same set of jumps at a higher level if desired and this will not result in a TE. 

  • You may also jump any unflagged jump on the way to your next numbered obstacle.  These will not be judged but are part of the schooling event. 

  • If another rider is coming while schooling a numbered jump, please move to the side to allow the other rider to continue.

walking thru water jump at twilight


No event found!

Rules & Guidelines

  • Dressage and SJ are run and scored under the same rules as for USEA events.
  • If riding multiple horses, bring a groom to handle your horses between rides. The compressed format makes it difficult to be on time for multiple rides without assistance.
  • You may ride your entire event (including dressage) in your XC attire (bridle, saddle, vest, boots etc.)
  • The course maps will be available at http://www.mycoursewalk.com
  • The course will not be the same for each event
  • This is a schooling experience. No ribbons.
  • Run under USEA eventing rules, except as noted above in “About Twilight Eventing”
  • Each rider may enter only ONE horse per level.To request special consideration, please email the secretary at [email protected]. Additional horses entered without permission will be waitlisted regardless of entry date or entry status.
  • Medical arms bands/bracelets are required for all jumping phases
  • Entry status will be posted on the website.
  • You can ONLY enter via Compete Easy. No paper, email or PayPal entries.
  • Refunds – Before final closing, refunds less $25 office fee. After closing, refunds will only be given if someone fills your place from the waitlist. If there is no wait list there will be NO REFUND and NO CREDIT or transfer to another event after closing!
  • Timetable – to be run in a shortened eventing format. We schedule back from dusk. Event starts at approximately 3:00 pm depending on # of entries.
  • Additional dates for the Series may be announced. Check calendar at themarylandhorsetrials.com. Space is limited.
  • Times are emailed or posted the Monday before the event
  • Scores will be posted on the website.
  • Once a class is full or you are a late entry, you may be waitlisted until a scratch occurs.
  • The cross country course is made up 12 to 16 jumps with a length up to 1700m.

  • Riders may choose which level to jump at each marked obstacle (Intro – Modified).

  • As long as you jump clean on the first attempt, you will accrue no XC faults. 

  • You may circle around and jump the same set of jumps at a higher level if desired and this will not result in a TE. 

  • You may also jump any unflagged jump on the way to your next numbered obstacle.  These will not be judged but are part of the schooling event. 

  • If another rider is coming while schooling a numbered jump, please move to the side to allow the other rider to continue.

  • Enter via competeeasy.com
  • Uploaded waivers and coggins are good for all of 2024 or until your coggins expires.
  • All paperwork and payment must be in our hands before entry is scheduled.
  • Refunds: Before final closing, full refund less $25 office fee. After final closing, NO REFUND unless there is a WAITLIST and your spot can be filled.  We do not move entries to future events.
  • Show Cancellation: In the interest of horse and rider welfare and safety, the weather forecast will be taken into account the day of the event. A sufficiently unfavorable forecast will cancel the event. If we cancel the event, a full refund will be given minus a $10 office fee.
  • Run under USEA eventing rules, except as noted above in “About Twilight Eventing”
  • Each rider may enter only ONE horse per level. To request special consideration, please email the secretary at [email protected]. Additional horses entered without permission will be waitlisted regardless of entry date or entry status.
  • If you have more than one horse in a level, you must have a groom who can hold 1 horse while you ride. Both horses should ride dressage, then must SJ first and then both proceed to XC.
  • Medical arms bands/bracelets are required for all jumping phases
  • Entry status will be emailed to you and posted on the website.
  • Timetable – to be run in a shortened eventing format as explained below. Event starts at approximately 3:00 pm depending on # of entries.
  • Additional dates for the Series may be announced. Check calendar at www.themarylandhorsetrials.com. Space is limited.
  • Use standard bio security practices:
    • Don’t let horses touch or share equipment, drink out of the same bucket, etc.
    • If your horse has a fever, don’t come.
    • Don’t touch other people’s horses.
    • Wash your hands frequently if you must touch other horses e.g. a trainer with multiple students who don’t board in the same barn.
  • The EDCC recommends a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection for out of state horses and a health declaration for all. We encourage people to take temps and do a self assessment. Safety for all. One wash stall open.
  • Check for the most recent outbreak reports at: equinediseasecc.org/alerts


Twilight HT - all 3 phases
Combined Test

Dressage and Show Jumping

XC Only

No time limit

Dressage Only

test of choice (small or large arena)

Late Fee

For entries after midnight on closing date.

$50/night + $25 muck fee
$50/night + $25 muck fee
Office Scratch Fee

No refunds after closing.


With electric hook-up.

Unleashed Dog


Horse Trial Divisions

Combined Test Divisions

Dressage Tests for Horse Trial Divisions:

Dressage Tests for Combined Test Division:

Preliminary – Introductory: Test A for each level from Prelim – Introductory.

Starter CT:  2022 USEA Starter Test

Combined Tests must ride a dressage test listed for the level. No substitutions.